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Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's November folks

It's November, a month that traditionally has us all remembering what we're thankful for. I love this month, it is the month when the leaves start to change, you can smell wood burning fires in the air (LOVE that smell- judge me, go ahead, I don't care) and it's just an all around feel good month in my book. But like I first mentioned it's a month that we often find ourselves giving thanks.

As for me I love giving thanks. I guess it was because it was instilled in me when I was younger how you don't take anything for granted and you should always say thanks. I even remember Mom once telling me how much God likes to be thanked.... and til this day I always try to start off my prayers with a long, heartfelt lists of all the thanks in my life... a.k.a. all the blessings that I have because of Him.

 Well, anyway, seeing as I have not been that faithful of a blogger as of late, I am going to try and give you something every day or every other day (cut me some slack-- 3 month old baby and husband... remember?!?) that I am thankful for in my life. I should do this more often and shouldn't wait for lonely old month 11 to roll around for me to start giving thanks, but, nonetheless, I will do my best to give my thanks every day or so on here.

So, day 1, what am I thankful for??? Well, there is a menagerie of things that I could write about first, but today is Veteran's Day and I find it only suitable to be thankful for our men and women in the armed services, and thankful to be an American in general.

One of the most understated lines is in Toby Keith's song "American Solider". It says, "freedom [don't] come free."

Amen. I couldn't have said it better. And the sad truth is, the large majority of us will never understand what it does truly cost because we will never see the things that these brave men and women see and have seen. The sights they have witnessed, the sounds they have heard and the heartbreak they have suffered losing their comrades on the battlefield all unfathomable to us, yet so real for them.

To this I tip my hat (well if I had one, I'd be tipping it) and truly give you a thanks that I know will never speak the volumes that it means.

Because of you I was able to grow up Christian and love and serve the God I chose. Because of you I was able to get the education that I wanted and am still able to be furthering that education. Because of you I was able to birth the most precious baby boy on July 20, in a clean, well-staffed hospital where I didn't ever have to worry about the government or anyone else coming in and taking him from me, and, more importantly, I was able to look at him and know what a bright future he had because he was blessed to be born in the United States of America.

So, thank you men and women of the United States Armed Forces.

While many of us spend hours with our noses in books or eyes glued to the television delving into the world of imaginary heroes, you are the true heroes-- the ones who really make this world a better place.

Happy Veteran's Day and thank you.

1 comment:

claudia scott said...

look forward to more posts