Little Sweet P!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It's the last day of November, and while I'll continue to be thankful for so much in my daily life I will not be blogging about it as much because quite frankly my sweet readers are probably sick to death of my raving.

Many moons ago at a petting zoo
My first haircut

 Anyway, today's post has a little extra incentive for you. But before we get there, let's consider the topic -- memories.

Way back when!
      To me there are few things as sweet and treasured as my memories. Memories keep alive the past and help us to remember the fondest of times with friends and loved ones. Oftentimes we are forced to say goodbye to people before we're ready. Sometimes it's because of a move, other times someone passes on and so on. But when we hold on to our memories it seems as though

     My favorite way to keep memories alive is through pictures and videos. I am constantly playing paparazzi and since becoming a mom it has only increased 10 fold. The problem, however, is that now in this digital age photos often just sit on our camera because we never seem to have the time to go to the store and wait for all of our photos to upload and then select and edit all of the ones we want. these people and moments are as close as can be.

Junior Prom
8th grade dance
 Well, thank goodness for Shutterfly! Shutterfly has so many great services that make keeping your memories alive so much more convenient. You can order pictures off of Shutterfly and two of the great things about this are-- 1) you upload from home and can do it at your own pace so you don't have to wait in the store  2) the pictures are delivered right to your house and you never have to bother with remembering to pick them up (let's be honest, things like this always slip our minds, especially at holiday time!)

The day we showed up dressed alike.
Not only does Shuttefly have photo developing services, but you can capture your memories in many different ways. They make photo books, calendars, home décor, gifts and more all from your favorite pictures. I have also ordered everything from Caleb's birth announcements and christening invitations to Christmas cards and stationery from them. This Christmas you can check out their blog for details about earning 50 of their beautiful cards for free! Seriously, can we say Merry Christmas to us!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Sorry about the delay in posts, I was home in Memphis with Daniel and Caleb visiting my family. It was a great time and I am so thankful for that. I just never found the time to sit down and blog and even feel that the brief post I gave my sweet baby boy ripped him off of the credit he is due, as I am truly thankful for him each and every minute of the day.   

Anyway, it's time to get back to the thankful posts and it is without a doubt that I have to dedicate a thankful blog to my friends. I, like everyone else, tend to believe that I have the best friends in the world. My friends are both relatives and non relatives, male and female, old and young, lifelong friends and new friends, and each and every one of them brings something to my life that I am thankful for.
These are in no particular order- just the way the pics uploaded:)

 Island Friends
 These are the friends that bring fun and randomness to your life each and every time you are with them. They are a crazy group, but I love and miss them all. This is obviously one of those random times we just broke out in the macarena.

Old Friends
Katie is among one of my oldest friends. She and I met in preschool and have remained the closest of friends since. From girl scouts and elementary school to freshman roommates and more we will always be the best of friends. I have a few other who have been there for a lifetime of memories as well, like the Nicholson girls and Jess and I love them all equally and know that my life would be missing much joy and worth without them.

College Friends
This picture is a bit dark, but these are some of the girls that made my first stint at Auburn fun and worthwhile. We may not all live close anymore, but we will always remain friends and cherish our memories.

Sideways Friends
Just kidding, but for some reason this did upload this way. This is my roommate friend. So what if he's my husband, he's also my roommate and I couldn't ask for a better one :)

Family Friends
Mom, Dad, brother, sister-in-law, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. I am thankful for all of my family and that not only are we related but we are friends. Thanks for choosing to love me and be my friend not just because you have to since I'm related.

There are so many other friends I am thankful for. This blog doesn't even break the tip of the iceberg, but I just want you all to know that you truly are appreciated. Thanks for always being there and accepting me for me.

And just for a little something extra (friends theme song). Enjoy. If you're like me though it 's going to make you want to go Netflix some seasons!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

4 Months of Joy

Today's topic is a no brainer. Hands down this blog was easy as pie to choose. Today is Mr. Caleb's 4 month birthday and there is no doubt that I am incredibly thankful for him.

In these 4 extremely quick months he has brought more joy to my life than I could ever imagine and has taught me so much. To think that a little bitty guy like he is could teach me more about life and myself than I have learned throughout college is a crazy, but true, thought.

A girl couldn't ask for a better family.
I don't need to bore you all with how I could watch him for hours as he discovers more and more every day. If I could I would rock him to sleep every night and always read bedtime stories to him. Unfortunately, I know the day will come when I am not cool and he will be a "big boy" and he will no longer "need" his momma. So, until that dreaded day comes I am enjoying every moment, even if it includes the occasional 4:30 wake up call, I am soaking it all up and am thankful for absolutely every moment with my little boo boo.

Thanks for everything little guy, you will never know how much I love you and how grateful and blessed I am to have you in my life.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Domo Arigato Mr. Daddio

I know, I know, it's pretty cliche to write a blog about my mom and then about my dad, but it's true I am thankful for them both so very much and honestly could not have asked for a better set of parents (another cliche I know, but would I lie to you? I think not).

Hugging Dad before leaving our reception
 While Mom has always been my best friend, I am also very much a Daddy's girl. Dad has always been very busy with work but  never once that I can remember did he miss out on important things in his children's lives.

He was my date to the daddy/daughter square dance with Girl Scouts all those years ago, my number one fan at my boring swim meets and always my coach in softball. I would say for a CFO who works harder than anyone I know he deserves extra points for putting in all of this time that most dads miss out on.

Fighting back the tears as he walks me down the aisle
Sure there have been times I haven't always seen eye to eye with my dad (some of these times were even brought on by his involvement with my extracurricular- cough, cough- softball- cough, cough) but we always seem to get past our differences.

Now watching him as a "Papa J" is even cooler. He can't wait to teach Caleb how to fish (NEWSFLASH Dad, you may want to learn how to fish first :) ) and I know he will wear out all of the same jokes that my Grandpa Ehrhart told me, and I can't wait. I know he will be just as great of a Papa as he is my Daddy, and even though I'm a mom now, it's always comforting to know I'll always be his brown eyed girl.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

And the thanks continue

So, since I am a mom, I am obviously lame, right? At least that's what the kid in the car commercials has me believing. So to go along with my lameness I am now a lame tv show watcher, and on the top of my lame mom tv show list that I watch is Dr. Phil.

Yesterday's topic was "Mommy  Confessions" and it reminded me of something I was already thankful of, but it just showed me how thankful I truly should be for this special person- my mom.
Mom & me at the Paula Deen event a couple 
of years ago

Mom has always been my best friend, so this should really come as no surprise as anyone who knows me that I am dedicating one of my thankful posts to her.

Yesterday's Dr. Phil was just an eye opener though. He had some horrendous mothers on the show and there seemed to be a common theme among them- they each had horrible mothers as well.

So, not only am I grateful for the wonderful mother I have, but as a mother now myself I am even more grateful because I hope that I can use her as a role model and be just as wonderful of a mother to Caleb and any future little ones.

But, why, you may ask, is my momma so wonderful? I couldn't ever express is words all of the great qualities of Mom, but I can tell you that she listens to everything, no matter the time, no matter the topic and no matter what she is doing. She is always there for you, even if you are on a far away island and it's the wee hours of the morning for her, she is going to listen and do her best to help whatever the situation.

She is a great role model as far as a faithful and loving wife goes as well. She is also one of the strongest Christian women I know and always seems to be serving someone is some manner- even if it's just keeping sweet little Annabelle. Hey, no one said that grandparents are required to give up their lives and watch the grandkids. Sure they may enjoy being with the little ones, but trust me it's a big sacrifice.

She's a whole lot more, but basically she's my mom and I am so thankful for that!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Helpful Husband

Daniel and his mini me. Love these boys!
Today, I am going to get a little sappy on you.

Today's topic I am thankful for is my husband.
Seriously, I know that Daniel and I have been together for nearly 9 years, but I have never loved him as much as I have these past 4 months since Caleb was born, and I thought I loved him all that I could love anyone before the little dude was born.
Daniel is a wonderful father, husband and friend and all of this was so clearly shown last week when I was sick.

I don't know if most of you know this or not, but mommas don't get sick days. We don't get a break-- it doesn't matter how sick we are.

Well, last week I was the sickest I have been, other than the Swine Flu, in years, and this even rivaled the Swine Flu. Monday night it hit and my temperature skyrocketed to 102. I was getting violently ill and could barely hold myself up to walk.

My sweet husband stepped in and took charge. He rushed me to the doctor, got me checked out and sent home. Then he went to Walgreens (all the while he had called in help for the baby so I was baby free) and got my medicine and a Sprite that I had requested. He then proceeded to stay home from work the next day and a half all to dote on me. He even came in and checked on me while I was sleeping because I was so dead to the world. I did not even know this until he made a comment about it in passing and I thought, that is the sweetest thing ever.

None of this may sound big to you, but ask your moms if you dads ever stayed home from work to take care of her and the kids. I am doubting that answer is no. Most dads don't have the time or think that moms are superheroes and can always handle it all.

Well, I definitely couldn't have handled a 3 month old for those 3 days and I am so grateful to have had my sweet husband there for the rescue.

This is just one of the many things, but to me this just exemplified his loving spirit the best.

So, thanks hubby, today and everyday I am going to celebrate being thankful for you in my life.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thankful to be

No, seriously, after the week we've had I am just thankful to be. Plain and simple. That's all-- thankful to be.

Had the flu last week. Check. Terrible car accident over the weekend. Check check. Child fell from his swing and landed on the hardwood floor. Check, check, check.

Then, today when I was silly enough to think everything was going to be turned around for the better because my in-laws were letting us borrow a car while Mrs. Dreher was out of town, that car breaks down and we have to have it towed to the same car lot my car is sitting at currently. Which, may I add, is probably smelly as all get out by now because it has been raining since Sunday night and since my car doors don't close now my car is drenched and dude's insurance WILL NOT CALL US BACK!

OK, I need to take a second and "Woosa" as they say in "Bad Boys II" because this is a thankful post and I am getting a bit frustrated. Anyway, throughout all of this mess I am still trying to be thankful and know that God blesses though all.

I am thankful that I was able to go to the doctor last week to get some medicine to help alleviate some of the nausea. Thankful that we are all OK after the car accident, and that, fingers crossed, the dude's insurance is going to pay for my car to get fixed. Thankful that Caleb was OK after his fall and that I am able to be home with him, because gracious me, we all know I'd be a mess  a bigger mess if these things happened while I wasn't here. And finally I am thankful that I have a blog to vent about everything on and maybe, just maybe, the occasional reader to read and enjoy my venting.

Thankful for Toyota

Sounds like a strange thanks, right? This is the company that has been under scrutiny for botched brakes and everything else under the sun, but for me, right now, they are the tops in my book.

Saturday, while driving home from the game, we were hit by a pickup truck. The driver was turning left and we were going straight. He failed to yield the right of way and said he didn't see us and knocked us clear into tomorrow.

Despite the big blow and the obvious damage, we all walked away OK (Daniel and I were with my friend Katie and her sister Meagan). Other than a few bruises and some stiffness and soreness the next day, it seems we are all OK.

I accredit this OK-ness first and foremost to God, and secondly to Toyota. Thus, I am thankful for Toyota. My brakes work fine and obviously I give them a 5 star crash test rating. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's November folks

It's November, a month that traditionally has us all remembering what we're thankful for. I love this month, it is the month when the leaves start to change, you can smell wood burning fires in the air (LOVE that smell- judge me, go ahead, I don't care) and it's just an all around feel good month in my book. But like I first mentioned it's a month that we often find ourselves giving thanks.

As for me I love giving thanks. I guess it was because it was instilled in me when I was younger how you don't take anything for granted and you should always say thanks. I even remember Mom once telling me how much God likes to be thanked.... and til this day I always try to start off my prayers with a long, heartfelt lists of all the thanks in my life... a.k.a. all the blessings that I have because of Him.

 Well, anyway, seeing as I have not been that faithful of a blogger as of late, I am going to try and give you something every day or every other day (cut me some slack-- 3 month old baby and husband... remember?!?) that I am thankful for in my life. I should do this more often and shouldn't wait for lonely old month 11 to roll around for me to start giving thanks, but, nonetheless, I will do my best to give my thanks every day or so on here.

So, day 1, what am I thankful for??? Well, there is a menagerie of things that I could write about first, but today is Veteran's Day and I find it only suitable to be thankful for our men and women in the armed services, and thankful to be an American in general.

One of the most understated lines is in Toby Keith's song "American Solider". It says, "freedom [don't] come free."

Amen. I couldn't have said it better. And the sad truth is, the large majority of us will never understand what it does truly cost because we will never see the things that these brave men and women see and have seen. The sights they have witnessed, the sounds they have heard and the heartbreak they have suffered losing their comrades on the battlefield all unfathomable to us, yet so real for them.

To this I tip my hat (well if I had one, I'd be tipping it) and truly give you a thanks that I know will never speak the volumes that it means.

Because of you I was able to grow up Christian and love and serve the God I chose. Because of you I was able to get the education that I wanted and am still able to be furthering that education. Because of you I was able to birth the most precious baby boy on July 20, in a clean, well-staffed hospital where I didn't ever have to worry about the government or anyone else coming in and taking him from me, and, more importantly, I was able to look at him and know what a bright future he had because he was blessed to be born in the United States of America.

So, thank you men and women of the United States Armed Forces.

While many of us spend hours with our noses in books or eyes glued to the television delving into the world of imaginary heroes, you are the true heroes-- the ones who really make this world a better place.

Happy Veteran's Day and thank you.