Little Sweet P!

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

And the nesting continues

That nesting bug that seemed to bite me hard a little over a week ago, still hasn't left.

Daniel and I have spent all weekend continuing our work to make this the best and most beautiful house possible for the little man before he arrives.

Last night I cleaned, this morning I cleaned, this afternoon I cleaned... get the picture. It wasn't like the was was just that dirty, it was just that I wanted it that clean.
Oh and this was all in between our 3 Lowe's runs thus far since yesterday.

We have completely redone our landscaping. Halleluljiah! We hated the crap they put in when we were building the house and we were happy to say goodbye boxwoods and pine straw, hello azaelas, hydrangeas, flowers, dogwoods and more. Here are some pics!
working on the front yard. Goodbye boxwoods, hello azaelas

backyard, one of the plots before (well technically a mid work shot because he'd already uprooted the bushes and pinestraw)

And after, the hydrangeas. Doesn't the satellite dish add such a great touch, ha!
All of the nasty boxwoods. And look after 6 months, they still hadn't rooted, the landscaping was so pathetic that they did.