Little Sweet P!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Change is a Comin'

Well, the end of the semester is almost here. Daniel and I have been back in the States for more than five months. We close on our house on Monday and on Wednesday we go in for our first ultrasound. Wait, say what? An ultrasound? Oh, yes, that is right. We are expecting our first little one on July 16, 2010. We have not really told anyone yet, and do not plan on making it public knowledge per se, but I figured, if anyone actually reads this you can be privileged to this exciting information. Please feel free to call us but do not put anything on facebook yet. We just want to make sure that the little one is healthy and all is okay, Lil P as Daniel calls him/her and Sweet P as I call the blessing.

Other than that, I was lucky to get to spend a week in Memphis and get my fill of Mom, Dad, Bub, Brooke and Annabelle. Duke went with us. He wasn't so sure if he was at the right place. Since he has been there, there has been a new dog and a baby added into the mix and he just wasn't so sure how he felt about all that. But then, once the table food started flowing and the nights of sleeping on a bed added up, I think he felt he could get used to the changes.

Well, I am ready for some dinner. This lil one keeps my hungry and sleepy, so until next time blog world!

1 comment:

Jenny Beth said...