So, I'm already taking a break from my "series" and breaking trend to write about this. I guess maybe my second working on me series should be procrastination, no seriously-- I'll get on that later.
Anyway, today I was waiting on a professor for a meeting he never showed for and while waiting I was on my phone looking at pictures on facebook and came across a photo.
Here is said photo:

Okay so let me explain. Kate and I were being lame, per usual, and preparing for my wedding. So we were walking done the aisle, hence the fake flowers and tear wiping She was my dad, obviously. While the memories brought back some laughs, I couldn't help but notice that we both had the large belts that were
so the style during our sophomore year. (2005-2006). What was the point of these belts, there was none-- they didn't hold clothes up, and in fact they didn't even go in belt loops there were just obnoxiously large and sat on your hips. When I saw this I couldn't help but think back to other fads and trends gone by and it got me thinking.
Not to dredge up painful memories but let's just think of some of the trends my generation has fallen captive to.
Fad number 1: Those dang necklaces that were intended to look like a Celtic knot tattoo. First of all, who would have ever wanted a tattoo that encircled your entire neck and secondly, what possessed us to think these were so good looking? They were typically black or brown, or some other ink like color and they stretched so you could get them over your head and onto your neck, but then they reshaped to fit tightly around your neck, thus completing the tattoo facade. This picture is the closest thing I could find to what they were like. Attractive, right?
Fad number 2: Wearing our hair in knots. Okay, of this I am not completely guilty. I can remember doing it but only to sleep in with amounts of hairspray that would rival Snookie's poof spray because the next morning it would leave beautiful curls. But let's just take a look at this, shall we? What about this look is even remotely attractive? Granted some girls wouldn't wear them all over their head like this picture, so I must give credit where credit is due. No, they would just wear a "knot crown", if you will, and wear a row of about five or so at the top of their head and then wear their hair down or in a pony tail, or whatever they chose, because clearly that made the look so much more glamorous.
Ok, sorry, I lied, nothing could rescue this look... Children of the 90's what were we thinking?
Fad number 3:

Sambas..... oh, Sambas. Don't tell me you don't remember this fad. It struck for me in about 4th or 5th grade. Now, for those of you who don't know, Sambas are indoor soccer shoes. Did I play indoor soccer? Psh, yeah right. Did half of the kids who wore them play? Nope. I would even go so far as to say upwards of 95% of kids didn't even play any sort of soccer, but they still wore these stylish shoes. And we didn't just wear them with play clothes, nope, I threw these puppies on with everything, even dresses if Mom could get me in one. (This was definitely in the prime of my tomboy, anti-anything and everything girly stage.)
Well, this was a good laugh and a good break from studying, but unfortunately, if I keep thinking of past trends, I'll end up writing for hours. But honestly, take a second and think back. What trend are you most worried about explaining to your children? Come to think of it maybe I should just go ahead and get rid of some of those incriminating photos and spare myself the embarrassment and Caleb the satisfaction.
I am guilty of all of these fads. Let's not forget the ever popular anarack jackets. Because everyone wants to be able to fold their jacket into a self-made pouch and carry it around???
Haha, Erica, that just cracked me up. Yes portability and the ability to fold the jacket into itself was definitely a must. I definitely had a few of those. Seriously, there were some good ones... Timberlands with the scrunched down socks also came to mind!
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