Sorry about the delay in posts, I was home in Memphis with Daniel and Caleb visiting my family. It was a great time and I am so thankful for that. I just never found the time to sit down and blog and even feel that the brief post I gave my sweet baby boy ripped him off of the credit he is due, as I am truly thankful for him each and every minute of the day.
Anyway, it's time to get back to the thankful posts and it is without a doubt that I have to dedicate a thankful blog to my friends. I, like everyone else, tend to believe that I have the best friends in the world. My friends are both relatives and non relatives, male and female, old and young, lifelong friends and new friends, and each and every one of them brings something to my life that I am thankful for.
These are in no particular order- just the way the pics uploaded:)
Island Friends
These are the friends that bring fun and randomness to your life each and every time you are with them. They are a crazy group, but I love and miss them all. This is obviously one of those random times we just broke out in the macarena.

Old Friends
Katie is among one of my oldest friends. She and I met in preschool and have remained the closest of friends since. From girl scouts and elementary school to freshman roommates and more we will always be the best of friends. I have a few other who have been there for a lifetime of memories as well, like the Nicholson girls and Jess and I love them all equally and know that my life would be missing much joy and worth without them.
College Friends
This picture is a bit dark, but these are some of the girls that made my first stint at Auburn fun and worthwhile. We may not all live close anymore, but we will always remain friends and cherish our memories.
Sideways Friends
Just kidding, but for some reason this did upload this way. This is my roommate friend. So what if he's my husband, he's also my roommate and I couldn't ask for a better one :)
Family Friends
Mom, Dad, brother, sister-in-law, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. I am thankful for all of my family and that not only are we related but we are friends. Thanks for choosing to love me and be my friend not just because you have to since I'm related.
There are so many other friends I am thankful for. This blog doesn't even break the tip of the iceberg, but I just want you all to know that you truly are appreciated. Thanks for always being there and accepting me for me.
And just for a little something extra (friends theme song). Enjoy. If you're like me though it 's going to make you want to go Netflix some seasons!
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