Sunday, December 5, 2010
Jolly Ol' St. Nick
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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Many moons ago at a petting zoo |
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My first haircut |
Anyway, today's post has a little extra incentive for you. But before we get there, let's consider the topic -- memories.
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Way back when! |
To me there are few things as sweet and treasured as my memories. Memories keep alive the past and help us to remember the fondest of times with friends and loved ones. Oftentimes we are forced to say goodbye to people before we're ready. Sometimes it's because of a move, other times someone passes on and so on. But when we hold on to our memories it seems as though
My favorite way to keep memories alive is through pictures and videos. I am constantly playing paparazzi and since becoming a mom it has only increased 10 fold. The problem, however, is that now in this digital age photos often just sit on our camera because we never seem to have the time to go to the store and wait for all of our photos to upload and then select and edit all of the ones we want. these people and moments are as close as can be.
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Junior Prom |
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8th grade dance |
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The day we showed up dressed alike. |
Monday, November 29, 2010
Island Friends
These are the friends that bring fun and randomness to your life each and every time you are with them. They are a crazy group, but I love and miss them all. This is obviously one of those random times we just broke out in the macarena.

College Friends
This picture is a bit dark, but these are some of the girls that made my first stint at Auburn fun and worthwhile. We may not all live close anymore, but we will always remain friends and cherish our memories.
Family Friends
Mom, Dad, brother, sister-in-law, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. I am thankful for all of my family and that not only are we related but we are friends. Thanks for choosing to love me and be my friend not just because you have to since I'm related.
There are so many other friends I am thankful for. This blog doesn't even break the tip of the iceberg, but I just want you all to know that you truly are appreciated. Thanks for always being there and accepting me for me.
And just for a little something extra (friends theme song). Enjoy. If you're like me though it 's going to make you want to go Netflix some seasons!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
4 Months of Joy
A girl couldn't ask for a better family. |
Friday, November 19, 2010
Domo Arigato Mr. Daddio
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Hugging Dad before leaving our reception |
He was my date to the daddy/daughter square dance with Girl Scouts all those years ago, my number one fan at my boring swim meets and always my coach in softball. I would say for a CFO who works harder than anyone I know he deserves extra points for putting in all of this time that most dads miss out on.
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Fighting back the tears as he walks me down the aisle |
Now watching him as a "Papa J" is even cooler. He can't wait to teach Caleb how to fish (NEWSFLASH Dad, you may want to learn how to fish first :) ) and I know he will wear out all of the same jokes that my Grandpa Ehrhart told me, and I can't wait. I know he will be just as great of a Papa as he is my Daddy, and even though I'm a mom now, it's always comforting to know I'll always be his brown eyed girl.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
And the thanks continue
Yesterday's topic was "Mommy Confessions" and it reminded me of something I was already thankful of, but it just showed me how thankful I truly should be for this special person- my mom.
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Mom & me at the Paula Deen event a couple | of years ago |
Mom has always been my best friend, so this should really come as no surprise as anyone who knows me that I am dedicating one of my thankful posts to her.
Yesterday's Dr. Phil was just an eye opener though. He had some horrendous mothers on the show and there seemed to be a common theme among them- they each had horrible mothers as well.
So, not only am I grateful for the wonderful mother I have, but as a mother now myself I am even more grateful because I hope that I can use her as a role model and be just as wonderful of a mother to Caleb and any future little ones.
But, why, you may ask, is my momma so wonderful? I couldn't ever express is words all of the great qualities of Mom, but I can tell you that she listens to everything, no matter the time, no matter the topic and no matter what she is doing. She is always there for you, even if you are on a far away island and it's the wee hours of the morning for her, she is going to listen and do her best to help whatever the situation.
She is a great role model as far as a faithful and loving wife goes as well. She is also one of the strongest Christian women I know and always seems to be serving someone is some manner- even if it's just keeping sweet little Annabelle. Hey, no one said that grandparents are required to give up their lives and watch the grandkids. Sure they may enjoy being with the little ones, but trust me it's a big sacrifice.
She's a whole lot more, but basically she's my mom and I am so thankful for that!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Helpful Husband
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Daniel and his mini me. Love these boys! |
Today's topic I am thankful for is my husband.
Seriously, I know that Daniel and I have been together for nearly 9 years, but I have never loved him as much as I have these past 4 months since Caleb was born, and I thought I loved him all that I could love anyone before the little dude was born.
Daniel is a wonderful father, husband and friend and all of this was so clearly shown last week when I was sick.
I don't know if most of you know this or not, but mommas don't get sick days. We don't get a break-- it doesn't matter how sick we are.
Well, last week I was the sickest I have been, other than the Swine Flu, in years, and this even rivaled the Swine Flu. Monday night it hit and my temperature skyrocketed to 102. I was getting violently ill and could barely hold myself up to walk.
My sweet husband stepped in and took charge. He rushed me to the doctor, got me checked out and sent home. Then he went to Walgreens (all the while he had called in help for the baby so I was baby free) and got my medicine and a Sprite that I had requested. He then proceeded to stay home from work the next day and a half all to dote on me. He even came in and checked on me while I was sleeping because I was so dead to the world. I did not even know this until he made a comment about it in passing and I thought, that is the sweetest thing ever.
None of this may sound big to you, but ask your moms if you dads ever stayed home from work to take care of her and the kids. I am doubting that answer is no. Most dads don't have the time or think that moms are superheroes and can always handle it all.
Well, I definitely couldn't have handled a 3 month old for those 3 days and I am so grateful to have had my sweet husband there for the rescue.
This is just one of the many things, but to me this just exemplified his loving spirit the best.
So, thanks hubby, today and everyday I am going to celebrate being thankful for you in my life.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thankful to be
Had the flu last week. Check. Terrible car accident over the weekend. Check check. Child fell from his swing and landed on the hardwood floor. Check, check, check.
Then, today when I was silly enough to think everything was going to be turned around for the better because my in-laws were letting us borrow a car while Mrs. Dreher was out of town, that car breaks down and we have to have it towed to the same car lot my car is sitting at currently. Which, may I add, is probably smelly as all get out by now because it has been raining since Sunday night and since my car doors don't close now my car is drenched and dude's insurance WILL NOT CALL US BACK!
OK, I need to take a second and "Woosa" as they say in "Bad Boys II" because this is a thankful post and I am getting a bit frustrated. Anyway, throughout all of this mess I am still trying to be thankful and know that God blesses though all.
I am thankful that I was able to go to the doctor last week to get some medicine to help alleviate some of the nausea. Thankful that we are all OK after the car accident, and that, fingers crossed, the dude's insurance is going to pay for my car to get fixed. Thankful that Caleb was OK after his fall and that I am able to be home with him, because gracious me, we all know I'd be
Thankful for Toyota

Despite the big blow and the obvious damage, we all walked away OK (Daniel and I were with my friend Katie and her sister Meagan). Other than a few bruises and some stiffness and soreness the next day, it seems we are all OK.
I accredit this OK-ness first and foremost to God, and secondly to Toyota. Thus, I am thankful for Toyota. My brakes work fine and obviously I give them a 5 star crash test rating.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
It's November folks
As for me I love giving thanks. I guess it was because it was instilled in me when I was younger how you don't take anything for granted and you should always say thanks. I even remember Mom once telling me how much God likes to be thanked.... and til this day I always try to start off my prayers with a long, heartfelt lists of all the thanks in my life... a.k.a. all the blessings that I have because of Him.
Well, anyway, seeing as I have not been that faithful of a blogger as of late, I am going to try and give you something every day or every other day (cut me some slack-- 3 month old baby and husband... remember?!?) that I am thankful for in my life. I should do this more often and shouldn't wait for lonely old month 11 to roll around for me to start giving thanks, but, nonetheless, I will do my best to give my thanks every day or so on here.
So, day 1, what am I thankful for??? Well, there is a menagerie of things that I could write about first, but today is Veteran's Day and I find it only suitable to be thankful for our men and women in the armed services, and thankful to be an American in general.
One of the most understated lines is in Toby Keith's song "American Solider". It says, "freedom [don't] come free."
Amen. I couldn't have said it better. And the sad truth is, the large majority of us will never understand what it does truly cost because we will never see the things that these brave men and women see and have seen. The sights they have witnessed, the sounds they have heard and the heartbreak they have suffered losing their comrades on the battlefield all unfathomable to us, yet so real for them.
To this I tip my hat (well if I had one, I'd be tipping it) and truly give you a thanks that I know will never speak the volumes that it means.
Because of you I was able to grow up Christian and love and serve the God I chose. Because of you I was able to get the education that I wanted and am still able to be furthering that education. Because of you I was able to birth the most precious baby boy on July 20, in a clean, well-staffed hospital where I didn't ever have to worry about the government or anyone else coming in and taking him from me, and, more importantly, I was able to look at him and know what a bright future he had because he was blessed to be born in the United States of America.
So, thank you men and women of the United States Armed Forces.
While many of us spend hours with our noses in books or eyes glued to the television delving into the world of imaginary heroes, you are the true heroes-- the ones who really make this world a better place.
Happy Veteran's Day and thank you.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Lovely Little Laugh
Today we were sitting in the nursery after some tummy and back time working on our rolling over... he's got tummy to back down like a pro and is almost just as good at back to bell but not quite yet-- I am so proud of my chunky 3 month old (14 lbs 12 oz as of yesterday). Anyway, when we got done with our "workout" the little guy was tired, so I took him in the nursery and was rocking him and reading some books.
I thought for sure he was going to fall asleep but he didn't so I propped him up on my legs facing me and just started talking to him. One thing led to another, and I found myself making up songs and being weird (I know shocker, right?). Well, as I was singing and taking my hands and tapping Caleb's sweet cheeks, he just let out the heartiest laugh. I teared up (I am telling you, motherhood has made me lamer than lame). I just kept doing this silly song and tapping his cheeks and my little buddy just kept laughing. It was such a sweet, sweet sound.
These are just some pictures from today. I know on the third you can see dog hair, normally I would be too embarrassed to share this, but I sweep and swiffer daily and brush the dog and nothing seems to keep the hair at bay... any suggestions?
Oh well, I guess there are worse things.
Well, it is crazy to think how much he has already changed in 14 quick weeks. God is such a masterful creator. I thank Him daily for this little guy and everyone else in my life, and now I'll be thanking Him for that sweet laugh too. Hope you guys all get a good laugh today!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Pumpkin Patch-ery
Anyway, yesterday Daniel and I took Caleb to the Farmer in the Dell Pumpkin Patch in Loachapoka. We were fortunate to have his parents there too so that we had someone to help us take pictures.
Here are a few. We thought we waited until late enough so that the sun wouldn't be so bright, but it was still very bright and caused a lot of shadows, so we may just have to go back this weekend.
It was a neat experience, but I am already looking forward to next year when Caleb can walk around and explore on his own.
Friday, October 1, 2010
OK, God, I hear you
So, tomorrow I am going to try and talk to this person and let them know how I feel about the way they treat me and act toward my family, and I know that God will be there to give me strength and also the means of going about it so as to speak in a manner that will not shame Him, instead show His love and forgiveness for all. I know that sounds nuts to talk about when you are going to confront someone, but I know it can be done and I can approach it in a way that will make God shine through me to someone who I do not think is a believer.
I got another tap on the shoulder from God a few days after that when I couldn't find my right hand ring. Daniel and I literally tore our house apart before finally finding it. I had been shooting arrow prayers all day that God just let me find it. It wasn't the money that was fretting me (although that will definitely get you thinking did I really just lose ___ dollars through my carelessness) but it was what the ring stood for. It was my 1 year anniversary gift and Daniel and I really struggled through our first year of marriage and this ring was almost like a new promise ring that we were turning things around, refocusing on God and family and moving forward.
Well, after I found it the hidden message was clear. Get organized Katie. I don't think it was necessarily just my house He was talking about, but maybe life in general. There are a lot of things in my life that are unnecessary clutter-- from junk food to negative/gossipy people to my tendency to put things off. I think this was just His way of showing me I need to clean my act up and focus on what's really important.
I hear ya God, loud and clear. Thanks for the wake-up calls. Here's hoping that next time you don't have to speak so loud, because I promise I think I was borderline breakdown each of those times.
Isn't it funny how if we aren't listening for His quiet voice, sometimes we can get lost in all life's noise?
By the way the random picture was just for graphic appeal.... no real rhyme or reason... but check it out, it was the little guy's first day wearing shoes. :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
10 for 10
Anyway, as we get ready to enjoy this 10 week milestone I thought maybe I should look back on my 10 favorite things about motherhood so far. Notice that these are my favorite things, that's because there are far more than 10 things I love about this new stage in life and this precious baby.
1. His smile. I am not just saying this because I am his mom, because others have said it, too, many times, but this is the happiest baby I have ever been around. And with my nannnying and babysitting throughout the years I have been around a lot of babies.
God has definitely blessed us with one goodnatured little tyke.
2. The feedings- I know, most moms would say, "What? The feedings? Are you nuts?" Well, maybe I am nuts but I do love them. It is such a sweet time. It is just us and I sing to him or read to him and while this is probably just my subconscious wishing, I like to think he is getting something out of it and enjoying it as much as I do. I really love the book "Guess How Much I Love You". It reminds me of my mom and me when I was little. I used to always tell her I loved her more and she would tell me she loved me most. It was an unending cycle. I never understood that she really could love me more than I was expressing, but now that I have a child of my own I see how endless this love is.... which brings me to my third fave thing
This is in our little reading corner in his nursery. Duke often joins as you can see
3. The love- It is so cliche because everyone always says you never know how much you can love until you have a child, but it is so true. The love I have for this little guy is so much more than I ever thought possible. It is not only amazing to see how much I love him, but how much my love for Daniel has grown too (which I didn't necessarily think was possible either, but it's like that country song, "I've said that before")
Our little family. So full of love.
4. The love I see that Daniel has for Caleb- Watching these two is such a blessing. Daniel always said he would be a wonderful Dad not because he knows what to do but because he knows what not to do thanks to his own experience with his father. But bad role model or not, this guy has the dad thing down perfectly. Caleb adores his daddy and the feeling is mutual. So Daniel if you're reading this it's not because you know what not to do, because you also know what to do and you do it perfectly!
Such a special bond these two already have.
5. Watching Caleb learn- Of course I am a mom so I think my child is advanced (haha), but in reality to think of all that he has accomplished in 10 short weeks is amazing. My favorite thing as of late is the cooing. I guess he really started letting us here him "talk" a couple of weeks ago and it is the sweetest thing ever. Daniel and I crack up and find ourselves mocking him often, which he enjoys and then continues to carry on the conversation in his own little way. But as I was writing this (literally) he rolled over for the first time. What a little stud!
Tummy time holds all kinds of learning experiences for Caleb.
6. The Duke/Caleb factor- Everyone warned me that my relationship with Duke would not be the same after the baby arrived. I don't necesarily think this is true. I may not have the same amount of time that I did before for Duke, but he still is my shadow and still loves me and the feeling is mutual. However, what I did not expect was for Duke to take to Caleb so easily and naturally. It has been said more than once that if Duke had opposable thumbs we could leave him in charge of Caleb. You have no idea. Duke checks on Caleb at every little sound he makes, and even if Caleb isn't making any noise Duke feels it is his job to check on his "little brother" every now and then. When we moved Caleb from the bassinet in our room to his crib in his room, you would have thought Duke had just lost his life long best friend. He didn't understand why Caleb wasn't in the bassinet and he was torn between sleeping in the nursery or in our room, so he did what was most logical and moved back and forth between rooms for the first few nights until he was assured Caleb would be OK in there by himself.
Seriously he could babysit, I don't think you understand.
7. Bringing me closer to God- Anyone who could ever doubt that there is a god, is not only ignorant, but has clearly never loved a child. Any and everything Caleb does is such a miracle to me. He is a miracle and everything about him is so miraculous that I find myself constantly thanking God for sweet Caleb and asking God to make me a better Christian for Caleb's sake and to bring me closer to Him so that Caleb may grown to love the Lord and be a God serving man.
Our fam after church.. this was about the only picture I could think of to symbolize this :)
8. Learning the small things don't matter- Those of you who know me, know I am a worrier and an anxious mess. Well, meet the new Katie because something about this little guy has brought the greatest calm to me and I rarely find myself stressed about much. I think it is because of Caleb and having to put less important things on the wayside that I have learned this. After a while of not having the perfect house or always having my hair done every day I saw that these things didn't matter and life was still going on fine. These are just a couple of the examples of the big picture, but I do see now that sometimes you just have to forget about things and know that they will get done later.
Horrid hair, clothes that are spit up on, lack of make-up. Who cares when you have such a cute little man!
9. Watching him grow- While I have already had my moments where all I want is for time to slow down so he stops growing, it is so amazing to see how he changes. I can't wait to watch him grow over the years and become the wonderful man I know he will be.
From his first minutes...
to today!
10. Caleb- This is kind of a given, but everything about the little guy is so wonderful to me that there isn't a thing I don't love about him. From his smile to his sweet cry, to the way he nuzzles when he is on your chest but his still thinking he is a big boy and trying to hold his own bottle before dropping it a few seconds later, there isn't a thing about this child that I don't absolutely adore. He has changed my life so much in 10 short weeks. Everyone always says parenthood is a sacrifice, and maybe in someways it is, but there isn't a thing I have sacrificed that I miss and regret having to give up. I can't wait to see what else the future with my little boo boo holds.
Sweet newborn Caleb. He sure has changed a lot since this picture, but I love it so. Thanks for everything sweet boy. Your momma and daddy love you oodles and oodles.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What's all the fuss about?
Anyway, if I am going to keep everything for Caleb, I guess the first place to start is the labor and delivery story.
So, let's turn the clock back 1,382 hours and 11 minutes. Yes, that is precisely how long it has been since little coccolo entered the world. And yes, I also realize I am a nerd for calculating that.
Anyway, getting to 12:53 a.m. on July 20, was not the quickest of journeys, however, I wouldn't say it was near as bad as all of the labor horror stories you hear.
I checked into the hospital about a quarter til 7 on Monday morning to be induced. I was induced around 9 and had my water broken around 12 because not much progress was being made. At this point Dr. Alverson told me when I thought I was getting close to any kind of pain to let the nurse know so I could get my epidural ordered because it would take an hour. Well, I thought he was exaggerating just so I wouldn't get to the point of needing it and expect it to be simultaneous that I received the drug.
Well, dude wasn't lying. I think I decided about an hour after I had my water broken that it was time. It took another hour and a half for the anesthesiologist to get up to my room. I probably shot daggers at him when he walked in the room, but in the end the guy was there to give me the goods so I just leaned forward and let him do his magic. Except that wasn't even that easy. Earlier in the morning I had agreed to let a student nurse shadow my nurse. I thought, well no big deal they'll learn and just be monitoring my stats and what not. Nope, wrong. They were there for everything including when the epidural was administered. So as the doctor is inserting the catheter in my back he is explaining step by step what he is doing and all of the possibilities of things going wrong and leaving me paralyzed. Uhm, hello?!?! Who wants to hear this when they have been in labor for 6 hours and are in enough pain without the agony of considering being a paralyzed mother... not this chick that's for sure.
So anyway, after Dr. Dundee (his accent was just like Crocodile Dundee, so at least that added a little entertainment to the talk of a catheter entering my back {note the little}) was finished with his work I was feeling pretty good. It is absolutely absurd how you truly do lose complete control of your lower body. My legs felt about 1,000 lbs each and there was not a thing I could do to will my body to even give me a slight bit of control over them.
Fast forward about another 3 hours and you can cue the nausea. It was awful I was physically sick for the rest of labor until 12:53 a.m. No joke, I was still getting sick as I was pushing. Ok, sorry that is as graphic as I'll get.
Anyway, labor was pretty easy if you ask me. I napped a lot of the day. I watched tv, movies and the Cardinals game. The funny thing is that the Cardinals were losing and the labor was progressing very slowly and Dad and I joked that Caleb was just waiting until the Cardinals started winning to make his appearance, and sure enough as they took the lead my labor started progressing much fast. The Cardinals ended up winning and a few hours after that I was holding my sweet baby for the first time after only an hour of pushing. God is good! Birth has to be the most miraculous event ever. It was crazy when I was holding him and admiring how perfectly he was made the next day to think that just hours before he had been inside of me for 40+ weeks. Anyone who can say humans evolve and that God doesn't exist is just plain stupid. Witness the miracle of birth and surely you will change your mind.
Well this was long enough, but Caleb, one day when you are older I can look at this and remind you that it took nearly 17 hours to get you into this world and out of me, and if that day you are not listening, I'll also remind you that within 17 secs I can take you out. JK Caleb Lawrence, that is just such a typical mom line that I had to say it.
You are the joy of my life and your dad's and no matter what you do you should know that we will always love you and we will always be here for you. Nothing can change that. I love you to the moon and back.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
That is because on July 20 at 12:53 a.m. our sweet Caleb Lawrence entered the world. Our little man weighed 8 lbs and 9.8 ounces, and honestly was the prettiest baby I've ever seen. I know I am going to be biased because he is mine, but I was fully expecting him to be all alien like. Even some of the nurses throughout the week made comments on how pretty he was. One said she honestly has never told a couple that because newborns are just not pretty and she is not going to lie just to make someone feel better and she thought he was beautiful.
After he came back from the nursery. Loving him so much!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Take a Walk in my Shoes

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Past Week
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
A Sneak Peak..
Window and junk in front. It's more cleaned up now, but still not perfect. Need to figure out stuff to put on the walls possibly. Now the bookcase is in the left corner and the glider is going in the right, but I'm thinking about painting some canvases and stuff, a la the rec of Erica. It will add to the room and give me something to do to pass the time.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Perfecting the Waddle
As we know, per Dr. Marino's lovely description of my "good sized kid", Caleb' is not exactly the smallest of babies. Now that he has dropped I am feeling just how "good sized" he is. I have carried low the entire pregnancy but now the kid is practically hanging out at my knees and my lower back is feeling it.
While it's not excruciating, it's not pleasant. Thus I am asking for the early reprieve. I have also been having contractions more regularly, but as the docs say and the trusty What to Expect When You're Expecting book, that doesn't mean crud for first time mommas. The baby could drop anywhere from 2-4 weeks before delivery and contractions could start at 30 weeks and you could still go full term.
So while these little signs aren't exactly the golden ticket to knowing I am going into labor soon, at least they are a sign that things are progressing ever so slowly.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Luxuriating at the Lundy Chase Pool
mom was a bit different and she had a word she used all the time- luxuriating.
So anyway, she would throw that word out all the time. She would tell her daughter to "luxuriate across the stage" "luxuriate in her beauty" etc. etc. Never once did she describe what the word meant and by her various and sundry uses, context clues did not help.
Anyway, come to find out, it is a real word. But the mom definitely didn't use it correctly per and neither am I going to. I like that she made it her own and so shall I-- ha!
So, I have adopted the word luxuriate and for me it means to relax in a luxurious way. Not that our neighborhood pool is luxurious, but it is relaxing, and when you're 36 weeks pregnant, it's not going to get much more luxurious than the neighborhood pool.
So, that's what I've been doing this week. I've been luxuriating.
I now am the proud sporter of some wickedly awesome tanlines.
Due to the fact that I was too practical- or cheap as some might view it :)- to invest in a maternity swimsuit, I only really have 2 suits to choose from. They are each non maternity tankini tops and regular bottoms. Well, they each still fit, but one is longer so it covers more of the bulbous baby belly I am toting around, so I wear it more. It just so happens that this suit also has much thicker straps and, man oh man, if I don't have the worse white stripes running around my neck and down to the top of my chest. Not to mention how white my belly is compared to the rest of me as well. Oh yes, and then there is the fact that I am two-toned.
My front is tanner than my back because I can't lay on my belly. Let's face it, it's just not going to happen. You try balancing all of your weight on a basketball and lying there for an extended period of time. Oh yes and also consider this so-called basketball is the most precious thing in the world to you and it is constantly moving.
Yeah, not laughing so hard now, are ya? It just can't be done. Preggo women were not meant to be evenly tanned.
So for now I will embrace my multicolored bod, and continue luxuriating at the pool- aka trying to sweat Caleb out- until the time comes for my handsome man to arrive!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
D-Day = T minus 1 month!
We are no longer seeing Dr. Hensarling since she is set to deliver in two weeks, so we went to Dr.Marino today the other young doctor. He measured my belly then felt around on it to feel Caleb and literally said, "Well, don't know if you know this, but that is a pretty good size baby you got there."
Thanks, dude. I know. I have been told the whole time, except the very very beginning when he was measuring small for the first 6 weeks, that he was a big boy. I don't want to hear it anymore or I am going to have nightmares of birthing watermelons the size of Duke for the next month.
Anyway, he thought maybe there would be some progress, and got my hopes all up, but alas there was nothing.
So that's the big news for today, that and that the official due date is one month from today. Fingers crossed the little man isn't as stubborn as his mom and dad and maybe decides to debut a little early because I am miserable.
Not miserable in that I am huge and immobile and just bitter, but miserable in that I sit in this dang house all day with nothing to do because it is too hot outside for a big ol' preggo lady. I miss walking outside with Duke and I miss class. That is sad.
Selfishly, I am also hoping for an early arrival so that I have more time to get acclimated before school starts. One, I need to get used to the whole baby depending on me for everything. Two, I want to be healed and able to walk and work out by the time school starts. I have only gained 22.5- 23 lbs so far, but those are 22.5 or 23 lbs that I am ready to shed asap. Hey, you try being 24 on a college campus that Playboy time and time again says has the prettiest girls, and you tell me those size 0's and 2's aren't enough to make you want to skip a meal or ten.
Other than the boredom I think I have nested all I can nest. There is one slight glitch, however. The glider and storage ottoman we ordered from Premier Fabrics in Germantown is back ordered. Seriously, I didn't pay what I did to not have this on time, especially when I was given a very latest finish date of next Friday. This is not cool people, not cool at all.
I need to find some way to get some more color into his room as well. Maybe I should have painted the walls, I just didn't feel like the hassle. Although our neighbor, Rick, who owns his own painting business has offered to do it for free, but I feel like it's a little late in the game to be picking out paint colors and embarking on all of that now.
I also can't hang everything until we have the glider because I don't know how everything will fit together so that is another issue I am running into.
Can you tell I am bored? I am rambling like a mad woman.
I guess I'll stop.
Maybe I'll go to the pool, it's not as hot today, but most likely I won't. I am going to go walk in the old coliseum at 4. That will eat some time. But not enough. If you have any cures for boredom send them and send them fast. My patience ship is slowly sinking.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
And the nesting continues
working on the front yard. Goodbye boxwoods, hello azaelas