Caleb has been smiling in happiness, not just random gas smiles or baby smiles, but full fledged I like you, or this makes me happy smiles since he was about 4 weeks old. For the past month or so since he has started getting really vocal he has also laughed. When he has laughed it has just been a little laugh and a big ol' smile until today.
Today we were sitting in the nursery after some tummy and back time working on our rolling over... he's got tummy to back down like a pro and is almost just as good at back to bell but not quite yet-- I am so proud of my chunky 3 month old (14 lbs 12 oz as of yesterday). Anyway, when we got done with our "workout" the little guy was tired, so I took him in the nursery and was rocking him and reading some books.
I thought for sure he was going to fall asleep but he didn't so I propped him up on my legs facing me and just started talking to him. One thing led to another, and I found myself making up songs and being weird (I know shocker, right?). Well, as I was singing and taking my hands and tapping Caleb's sweet cheeks, he just let out the heartiest laugh. I teared up (I am telling you, motherhood has made me lamer than lame). I just kept doing this silly song and tapping his cheeks and my little buddy just kept laughing. It was such a sweet, sweet sound.
These are just some pictures from today. I know on the third you can see dog hair, normally I would be too embarrassed to share this, but I sweep and swiffer daily and brush the dog and nothing seems to keep the hair at bay... any suggestions?
Oh well, I guess there are worse things.
Well, it is crazy to think how much he has already changed in 14 quick weeks. God is such a masterful creator. I thank Him daily for this little guy and everyone else in my life, and now I'll be thanking Him for that sweet laugh too. Hope you guys all get a good laugh today!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Pumpkin Patch-ery
Yeah, I just made up a word, so deal with it.
Anyway, yesterday Daniel and I took Caleb to the Farmer in the Dell Pumpkin Patch in Loachapoka. We were fortunate to have his parents there too so that we had someone to help us take pictures.
Here are a few. We thought we waited until late enough so that the sun wouldn't be so bright, but it was still very bright and caused a lot of shadows, so we may just have to go back this weekend.
It was a neat experience, but I am already looking forward to next year when Caleb can walk around and explore on his own.
Anyway, yesterday Daniel and I took Caleb to the Farmer in the Dell Pumpkin Patch in Loachapoka. We were fortunate to have his parents there too so that we had someone to help us take pictures.
Here are a few. We thought we waited until late enough so that the sun wouldn't be so bright, but it was still very bright and caused a lot of shadows, so we may just have to go back this weekend.
It was a neat experience, but I am already looking forward to next year when Caleb can walk around and explore on his own.
Friday, October 1, 2010
OK, God, I hear you
Ever feel like God is trying to send you not so subtle messages? Well, this week has definitely been one of those and I feel like it has been a good week for self-reflection.
It all started Sunday after a dinner with the in-laws. I was aggravated with certain things and just needed some girlfriend time. Well, I was texting with one of my best girlfriends and we were joking back and forth about some things to kind of get my mind off things when I had a typical Katie scatter-brained moment.
Anyway, it was just a big mess. Daniel of course feels I freaked out more than I needed to and just needed to talk to his mom, but if you know me you know I hate ever offending anyone or feeling like I let them down so I couldn't call because I was a sobbing mess.
Well, while it wasn't a gossipy text and it was just what my girlfriend and I had been talking about I soon saw God's message-- I need to learn to confront my problems.
So, tomorrow I am going to try and talk to this person and let them know how I feel about the way they treat me and act toward my family, and I know that God will be there to give me strength and also the means of going about it so as to speak in a manner that will not shame Him, instead show His love and forgiveness for all. I know that sounds nuts to talk about when you are going to confront someone, but I know it can be done and I can approach it in a way that will make God shine through me to someone who I do not think is a believer.
I got another tap on the shoulder from God a few days after that when I couldn't find my right hand ring. Daniel and I literally tore our house apart before finally finding it. I had been shooting arrow prayers all day that God just let me find it. It wasn't the money that was fretting me (although that will definitely get you thinking did I really just lose ___ dollars through my carelessness) but it was what the ring stood for. It was my 1 year anniversary gift and Daniel and I really struggled through our first year of marriage and this ring was almost like a new promise ring that we were turning things around, refocusing on God and family and moving forward.
Well, after I found it the hidden message was clear. Get organized Katie. I don't think it was necessarily just my house He was talking about, but maybe life in general. There are a lot of things in my life that are unnecessary clutter-- from junk food to negative/gossipy people to my tendency to put things off. I think this was just His way of showing me I need to clean my act up and focus on what's really important.
I hear ya God, loud and clear. Thanks for the wake-up calls. Here's hoping that next time you don't have to speak so loud, because I promise I think I was borderline breakdown each of those times.
Isn't it funny how if we aren't listening for His quiet voice, sometimes we can get lost in all life's noise?
By the way the random picture was just for graphic appeal.... no real rhyme or reason... but check it out, it was the little guy's first day wearing shoes. :)
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