First of all can we have a moment of celebration, it's JULY!!!!!!!!!! No matter how late, or how early, or if he is exactly on time that means we will not be entering the next month without my baby boy! How wonderful is that.
Nonetheless, it still seems to just be dragging on and on. So, I have been spending the time listening to people's labor self-induction theories. From castor oil to Sonic Chili Cheese Dogs to jump rope, there are definitely some good ones.
While I haven't gotten desperate enough to try any yet, I have continued my walking, because I have always heard that walking will help the labor process and help to naturally move the baby down. (There might be some truth to that since he dropped 2 weeks ago-- fingers crossed it also works for the easing of labor pain as well (: )
Anyway, it has become too hot to walk outside, even on most nights, so I have been walking up at the old basketball coliseum. There are always others walking, or running, or doing the stairs, and because it's summer, there are a lot of different camps in and out every week. Typically cheer, dance or basketball. All of these camps add a little excitement to the walk because they give me something entertaining other than a mundane continuous walking in circles.
However, none of the camps, not even the little bitty kids playing basketball with the balls being 4 times the size of their head could compare to these two men that are at the coliseum every day with me.
Well the other day I turned major creeper and decided I would see if I could get pictures of these two men with my phone without them noticing so that I could share their stories with the blog world.
So without further adieu, may I first introduce you to the world's fastest old man.

This man, while it may be hard to see from this grainy little pic, this man is pushing 80. The outift seen in this picture is his uniform. Seriously orange shirt, grey shorts everyday, it never fails.
Okay, so taking in his age, one would figure, that while it is great that this man is still exercising, he would be slow. Well, as I have learned, this is clearly not the case. This dude either teleports himself throughout the coliseum to mess with my head or he is clearly the world's fast walker. No joke.
This guy will be in front of me at one second and within the next 30 seconds he is gone. No matter how fast I walk to try and see where he went, he is gone. I have walked in and out of the arena to the outer lap, looked all around the stairs and corridors, and I never can find him. My original thought was he knew a short cut and wasn't going the whole outer lap, but no I don't know what happens.
I'll be sitting there wondering what happened to my orange shirted friend and all of the sudden he will be behind me. Lapping me or what, I don't know, but seriously, where did this guy come from?
I have been telling people about him and I don't think anyone gets it, that's while I took the pic. It's my proof that he does exist, haha.
Anyway, I guess the orange shirted speedracer will remain unsolved until I can get someone who isn't 38 weeks preg to walk with me and follow this man, haha.
Anyway, onto my next walkin' pal. The topless Lothario.

This man, I don't even know where to start. This picture does his story no justice. He runs the stairs, which is fine. Pre-Caleb man I too ran the stairs. However, here is what separates dude from me- he strips down to his tight little shorts before beginning his workout. Now, while I don't want to knock him since he is apparently trying to better himself through exercise and I 100% commend that, the man is about 280-300 pounds and has floppy body parts that no one wants to see. I will give him this though, at least he's not hairy. If he were hairy, I'd have to change my walking time because I would not be able to take it.
Anyway, the man seems to think nothing of it, even though at any given time there are10-20 other walkers/runners/ step climbers who are always fully clothed. To make matters worse the dude sweats buckets. It's disturbing.
While it really would make it more comfortable for all if he wore a shirt, you can't help but admire the guys confidence and his perserverance to be there every day to exercise.
So while these two guys baffle me in their own ways, I guess there are admirable qualities to each of them and they entertain me on my otherwise boring walks. So thanks strange men who I walk with. Oh, yeah, and sorry for being a creeper and taking your pics, but they just added that something extra to this blog post.