The beginning of May seemed to be packed. First we said goodbye to our bud Frank, but not before he threw one last party : ABC Party (Anything but clothes). The costumes were out there that is for sure and we all had a great time. A few weeks later it was time to say goodbye to one of my best island friends Jenny, although we never thought she'd actually leave. She was flying standby and it took the poor girl three tries to get off this rock! One Saturday I was also fortunate enough to go to the Tide Pools with Daniel and Kyle. we climbed, we swam, we jumped, I fell (typical), and of course we mudded in the jeep on the way back and stopped to get Kyle some food, go figure.

Tide pools: Daniel jumping off the cliff
True Katie style- slipped on the rock and let with some shiny war wounds
Daniel and Kyle climbed, I stayed on lower ground
Kyle kickin it 80's style My jump that I was scared of for no reason. Silly boy getting me all worked up