more including Beth's homemade stuffing and Caitlin's mashed potatoes
the gang

Mary and me
From newlywed life on an island to parenthood in a college town.
more including Beth's homemade stuffing and Caitlin's mashed potatoes
the gang
Mary and me
May- Unfortunately I was called home in May, as my Grandma Ehrhart fell ill and passed away. This was a very hard time for our family but I was very blessed to get to spend a few days with her before she passed.
June- I returned right before our one year anniversary and we went on a short but fun trip to Puerto Rico
July- In the beginning of the month we went to Aruba for a trip and at the end headed to the States for David Clark's wedding.
August- Daniel returned to the isles and I stayed in the States for eye surgery. I had a new surgery called Implantable Contact lenses, can you say awesome? i am seeing better than 20/20 now!!! Mom and I also took a girls trip to Asheville, NC and Chattanooga, TN and wrapped it up with a night in Nashville so I got to see Kate. It was so much fun.
September- After my stay in Memphis for surgery, I flew out to San Diego to meet Daniel for a week of training. What a great city. Obviously September brings one thing to the mind of most southerners.. football! We headed to Auburn for a recruiting trip/ the Auburn vs UT football game. We also got to spend some time with Daniel's dad which was nice as always.
October- I am drawing a blank it must have been pretty low key
November- Daniel went to Baltimore for another training and when he returned we hosted our first Thanksgiving dinner.... it was hard work but so worth it.
December- We headed to the States for our nearly 5 week journey. Our first stop was in Los Angeles for my cousin Matt's wedding. after that we met Austin Vegas before heading to Memphis. While home we also got down to Birmingham to see Daniel's dad and family. I was able to meet family members I never had before and we really enjoyed ourselves.
January '09- We rung in the new year with the best of old friends at Amy and Brandon's house. We headed back to the island on the 5th and had a hard time readjusting to the lack of conveniences, but were relieved to be back "home"
February- We headed to Antigua for a short Valentine's trip and loved it
I'll write separate posts for March and April.
I am also having problems uploading pictures to this so I'll do another posts of 2008 pics!